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My Talking Hank APK v3.4.3.40561


1 Reviews

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Additional Info


My Talking Hank

Package Name






152.12 MB

Requires Android

5.0 and up

Last Updated

March 12, 2025

When it comes to pets, dogs are something which have melted a lot of hearts. As man’s best friends, the My Talking Hank will provide you with a wonderful chance of taking complete responsibility of your virtual pet. Right from waking it to bathing it and ensuing that it is properly fed and petted. Created with utmost love and the best quality graphics available, the game not for once let’s you feel that you are playing with a virtual character. Engage in conversations with your pet or dress them to match your style

We shall use the article to share with you the basic gameplay and features of the My Talking Hank game, the he necessary requirements for downloading the apk and the guaranteed download link which will allow you to use the latest version of the My Talking Hank Apk.

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My Talking Hank : Features & Gameplay

The game was designed to give the user an all round experience of having a pet. The game puts the entire responsibility of the well being of the pet. From the bathing to dressing up to feeding to finally cuddling it. There is a huge array of mini games incorporated in the main game which shall allow the user to earn valuable coins which can be exchanged for the best of outfits and accessories from the store. The gameplay is designed to be top notch and give you a real life like gaming experience.

Features of the My Talking Hank:

  • There are a lot of games out there which allow the user to actually experience the magic of having a pet. In such a competitive world, the makers made sure that the game stands out from the rest. This comes in the form of the basic gameplay. While majority of the games are restricted to the home, My Talking Hank brings a new dimension to the world by taking you to the sunny islands of Hawaii. Let the tropical breeze blow and relax with your hank while exploring the beaches and wildlife.
  • If you think that the game revolves entirely around petting your pet then you could not be more wrong. The makers in the perfect attempt to provide you with an all round gaming experience introduced the concept of getting photographs clicked. With every level that you pass, you get to unlock a lot of photographs and all you have to do is to help hank to complete his photo album and for every page that you complete, you shall get diamonds which can be used to buy the best of the attires from the stores.
  • The game let’s you be a part of the complete journey of your pet. You get to be right from where it all began that is when your pet was a small baby to the time when he is just an adult. As the you continue to take care of your pet, he continues to grow into an adult. You get to be completely responsible for the we’ll being of your pet and doing so will earn you important XP which shall accumulate and take you to the next step of the game.
  • The gaming level just goes to an another level when there is an option of customisation. This is exactly what the My Talking Hank provides to the user. The user can use the coins and diamonds earned and exchange them for the best of the attires and quirky accessories from the store. Now you can make your pet a perfect embodiment of your style. You can choose from the wide range of hats, glasses, clothing and even make up.
  • Though the gameplay is available to the user for absolutely free of cost. The gamer can get added benefits which will completely upgrade the gaming experience by buying a certain in app purchasable features in exchange for a small fee. The added features shall make the gameplay even more engaging which is already designed using the best available graphics out there.

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How to download and install the My Talking Hank Apk?

  • Click on below button to start downloading of My Talking Hank Apk.
  • Select OK and this will initiate the downloading process.
  • After the entire download process is completed, the user will be directed to the installation page of the  apk.

click on install

  • Select Install and the android device will finish the installation process.

My Talking Hank Mod Apk installed

Final Verdict:

We all dreamt of owning a pet but our parents never approved of that decision and it’s with time that a virtual android gaming app, in the form of My Talking Hank was developed which allows the user to take the responsibility of a virtual pet, was developed. You have to do everything from feeding, to bathing to petting your pet. There is also an option that lets your pet repeat whatever you say.

Reviewed by: Melanie Garcia

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1 Reviews

No Title

June 3, 2020

Plesea give me coins and diamond

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