Telegram is one of the most popular messengers, because it is quite easy to use, not overloaded with advertising, it is possible to make video calls, exchange messages, files without loss of quality. And one of the cool options is to create channels for personal or business purposes with the ability to conduct effective advertising campaigns.
If you decide to create and promote a Telegram channel, then you need to know what methods of attracting an audience are available, free and paid promotion methods, what results the promotion brings, and most importantly – where to start.
Telegram channels are significantly different from the publics, groups that we are used to seeing on Facebook, Instagram. If you are subscribed to the channel – publications and news are displayed in the form of standard messages, you do not need to go to other sites. Perhaps this approach is the secret of the success and popularity of a platform like Telegram.
In this article, those interested in creating and promoting their channel will be able to learn more about all the nuances and get practical advice.
What Does Telegram Channel Promotion Give
The resources invested in Telegram channel promotion will easily pay off, and in addition to profit, you will get something much more. So what can your business and you get thanks to a properly promoted channel?
- Attracting a new target audience. Your subscribers are your potential customers. Promotion helps to reach more readers interested in your brand or the products you offer. Accordingly, your business will gain new loyal customers.
- Selling advertising publications. If your channel can already boast a number of readers above 500 people, it automatically becomes attractive to advertisers. The more active the audience on the channel, and the topic is quite popular, the higher the cost of the advertising publication.
- Promoting a business and personal brand. A channel is another means of communication with the brand’s audience, a platform for conducting surveys, informing about promotions, raffles, and news. And at the same time, it is a place to present goods and services to a wide audience.
Where to Start Promoting a Telegram Channel
Promotion in Telegram starts with several questions. What are the purposes of this resource? What content will be published? It doesn’t matter who you are: a business owner, an individual entrepreneur, a blogger, an author or a photographer. The first steps are almost the same for everyone, but they are definitely important:
- Determine the topic of the channel.
- Choose an original name.
- Write a description of the channel, add contacts and links.
- Create a content plan for the first time.
- Determine the format of posts: long read or short ads.
- Come up with unique, useful publications.
- Select or create high-quality graphic content (photo / video).
It is also important to determine what the “highlight” will be in your channel, what useful things you can tell and show your subscribers, how you stand out among hundreds of other channels. You can highlight several options that can become a chip, but don’t forget that you can always come up with something of your own.
- Expert opinion. For example, information about cosmetic procedures will be trusted more when it is published by a professional cosmetologist.
- An inside look at business processes. Secrets and life hacks from a businessman will be useful for novice entrepreneurs.
- Advertisement style. A non-standard approach to the style of publications, the use of lively language, slang, and an author’s writing style – all this will help you stand out from the crowd.
- News in a narrow topic. Channels for accountants, marketers, journalists, programmers, and others with up-to-date information on a specific topic are extremely popular.
- Narrowly focused humor. Ironic posts, funny videos, and pictures on professional topics are the best way to unwind after a hard day’s work.
Only after you have completed the basic work can you start full-fledged promotion. If the channel is filled with interesting and useful information, you will be able not only to attract new subscribers, but also to keep them.
How to Collect Followers?
How to recruit readers to a Telegram channel? You can use the paid and free methods that we described above, but there are a few more facts that you need to know. Subscribers very rarely come on their own, because the Telegram application does not have a news feed or recommendations. Channels that are interesting to users can be found in the recommendations of bloggers and friends, thanks to advertising in thematic groups, in lists / tops / selections, etc.
You can also draw the attention of readers to your channel using crowd marketing. Choose thematic forums, groups on social networks and place a link to your channel directly in the comments. This method will only work if your channel is really filled with useful information and answers that users are looking for in this topic.
Work on promoting and attracting new readers should be constant, because a large audience outflow can be very noticeable. If organic growth, without purchasing advertising, is absent, then the channel will simply cease to exist.
Want to grow your Telegram audience effectively? Learn more at Top4SMM.